and Festival
The First International Scythe Symposium and Festival
was held in Molln, Austria July 11-18, 2004.
Visitors from nine countries were greeted by rain showers on most days and nights. In spite of this and some organizational glitches, the media declared the event an overall success. In addition to the short features shown during the week on Austrian national television, 90 minutes of documentary material was produced, and later aired.
An evaluation questionnaire was later sent to the participants; results will be processed and a more comprehensive report written. There was consensus among the organizers that we should allow ourselves two years to prepare for the next one. The theme will be the same and therefore the 2004 agenda below can be referred to as a preview of the topics in 2006.
February 13, 2005
I regret to still be unable to provide this site's visitors with a more comprehensive Symposium/Festival report.
"We are still compiling the various media clips etc., but you will receive the package no later than the middle of September", I was told in August 2004 by the Eisenstrasse representative. Perhaps he meant September 2005!
Until that package arrives, I can at least share a Page of Images from the symposium and festival.