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Wildwood Snaths - A Photo Gallery
The inital photos are meant to mostly draw attention to the (Nature-created) beauty and thus the artistic aspects possible when a snath is made of "wild" wood.
But we also intend to communicate the principles of good snath design. It is still not a step by step manual, of course, and some of you may find it even outright confusing. The array of shapes overall, the degree of curvatures in this or that portion of the main shaft, some grip that are larger and may have shorter (or longer) stems than others -- all of that could imply that I'm just fooling around to create 'cool' pieces of art. This is not the case. My primary objective is functionality. All the examples featured here were made for people who wanted a good tool rather than an object to look at. My addition of an aesthetic touch aside, these are nicer to use than snaths of conventional design -- if for no other reason but the fact that the shape and the angles of their grips is simply more body-friendly.
(If you wish to understand at least the guiding principles it would help to read the section on retrofitting existing commercially-made snath. Secondly, the lack of straightness when looking down the shaft is intentional. Not necessary, but especially with long blades it is a 'convivial' feature, one we had explained in some detail here)
Further commentary to follow, perhaps.
Click each photo to enlarge.
17 Mar. 2012