Dear Friend,

Let's face it: the political status quo in Canada cannot continue if we want serious action on climate change. At the most recent UN climate change negotiation in Germany, Canada distinguished itself for trying to undermine the process. We received several "Fossil of the Day Awards" for our obstructive efforts, and we even won an award for trying to water down the text of an emission reduction target previously agreed to in 2007!

Not only is Canada refusing to be a part of the solution - our government's behaviour is stalling other countries from reaching an ambitious collective agreement. This means that without large-scale engagement by us - the Canadian public - we can expect government policy to continue on this disturbing course.

We realize that Canadian climate policy is both a great challenge and a momentous opportunity. Canadians from coast to coast to coast are responding to this opportunity by signing up for an International Day of Action on October 24th. In order for our voices to be heard, we need support from every single Canadian concerned about the world's climate.

One quick and easy thing you can do is to join or create an action near you on October 24 by clicking here. is partnering with some remarkable groups to make October 24th the largest day of climate action in Canadian history. You can join thousands of supporters on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and sister actions across the country. To be part of the movement visit In the build-up to October 24th, an event called Power Shift is being organized in Ottawa to provide training for the next generation of Canadian climate leaders. You can learn more by visiting

I look forward to seizing this great opportunity with all of you!

Joanna, the new Canada 350 coordinator, based in Edmonton!

PS - We need your help to make October 24th the largest day of action our country has ever seen. Please take a minute to share this e-mail with your friends, family, and colleagues. You can spread the news to your own contacts by forwarding or modifying this e-mail below:

Hey everyone,
Most of you know that I'm committed to solving the climate crisis. If you're like me, you're convinced about the urgency of this problem, but are unsure about what you can do to make a real difference. That's why I'm writing you today.
I just joined a really important effort to stop global warming at It's a new global campaign focused on ensuring the world takes bold and fast action to solve this crisis.
Here's the situation:
The science of climate change is getting darker by the day. The Arctic is melting away with astonishing speed, decades ahead of schedule. Everything on the planet seems to be melting or burning, rising or parched. No surprise there--scientists tell us that the safe level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 350 parts per million, and we're at 389 and rising.
But there's good news: we're not cooked yet, and THIS YEAR we have an opportunity to make a real impact. In December, the nations of the world will be meeting to craft a global treaty designed to help the world act together to solve global warming. The terms of this treaty may well determine whether we actually save the planet from climate change, so it's up to all of us to make sure we get it right. But nobody's going to do it for us--we all need to step up here. Here's how you can help: people all over the world are coming together to create an International Day of Action on October 24th through the website The goal is to take a united stand to get the planet--and ourselves--back to 350 out of this huge mess. If we're loud enough all over the world, we can really make a difference.
So, if you live near me, e-mail me back and we'll start organizing a local event. If you live far away--even better. We need as many events as possible, all over the world! Register your event here. Why 350? Find out in this fun 90-second video clip.

Thanks everyone--with your help, 2009 is going to be BIG.

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