Application to the Scythe Network for Assistance


1. Name of the organization or individual:


2. Address of the organization or individual:


3. Contact person for the organization:

4. Phone number:

5. Fax number:

6. E-mail address:

7. Please give a brief description of your organization's or your own activities related to this application. (It can be on a separate page).



8. Provide the URL (Web address) for the Web site for the organization if there is one.

9. Please provide at least one reference to vouch for your volunteer (as distinct from commercial) status. Provide the name of the person, his or her position/organization, and contact information.




Please complete the following questionnaire (or the parts of it that you feel qualified to consider). This information will assist us greatly in understanding whether and how we might assist you or otherwise collaborate to promote use of the scythe.

1. How widespread is the use of the scythe in your region?
(a) rare
(b) relatively infrequent
(c) very common
(d) the sickle is more commonly used.
2. Are the most frequent scythe users:
(a) full-time farmers
(b) ecology-minded groups or individuals
(c) casual mowers "leftover" from the past
3. Are these:
(a) men only
(b) men mostly
(c) women mowers are frequent
(d) children also use the scythe; what age?
(e) children use only the sickle

4. What is the average area cut by one person in a year?
(Please specify units, e.g. hectare, acre)

  5. Was the scythe used in your region more in the past than it is now?
(a) yes
(b) no; its use was unknown until __________ (year)
(c) its use is still unknown, but may have application now
If you answered (a) above, continue with question 6.

If you answered (b) above: was the scythe introduced by
(i) a business/entrepreneur
(ii) a foreign aid organization
(iii) an agricultural co-op within the region
(iv)a government initiative
6. Why is the scythe used less now?
(a) supply became non-existent
(b) means for individuals to purchase the tool were greatly reduced
(both (a) and (b) above may have been a result of war, natural disaster or other conflict causing an economic depression).
(c) its use was replaced gradually or suddenly (please circle or underline which one) by mechanized grass cutting alternatives.
These were or are mostly:
      (i) animal powered
      (ii) tractor powered
      (iii) self propelled
      (iv) hand operated

If (c), approximately what percentage of farmers and/or potential users have ready access to the use or purchase of these mechanical alternatives?
      (i) less than 10%
      (ii) around 50%
      (iii) nearly everyone

7. If scythes are used in your region, please answer the following questions:
(a) How many hours of an average labourer's wage is presently required to purchase a scythe blade?

(b) Where do the scythes come from? (specify country of origin if known)

(c) Alternately, what are the names on labels or marks stamped on blade's tang?

(d) What lengths of blades are commonly used?

(e) Are any of the accessories for the scythe made locally (eg. blade attachment rings, whetstone holders)?

(f) Are the handles imported? from where?

(g) Are the handles
     (i) wooden
     (ii) metal

(h) Are the blades sharpened by
     (i) hammering plus whetting in the field
     (ii) grinding plus whetting in the field
     (iii) whetting only

(i) Do you think that this tool's potential is realized or well understood by most of its users?

(j). If the scythe was introduced relatively recently, was its use
     (i) taught by organized courses (by teachers from other countries)
     (ii) left for individuals to learn alone?